FinTech and its Applications Seminar

On May 14, 2019, Catholic University in Erbil organized a seminar entitled “FinTech and its Applications Seminar.” Which was presented by Dr. Shahnawaz Ali, Head of Accounting Department

During the session Dr. Shahnawaz Ali, defined FinTech as a cross-disciplinary subject that combines Finance, Technology Management and Innovation Management. The definition had been presented to different audiences with different backgrounds, such as students and lecturers, it was found that the definition provides audiences better understanding on what is FinTech and its potential.

Moreover, in order to discuss how FinTech would create value for businesses, he summarized various FinTech applications into four major categories: i) payment, ii) advisory service, iii) financing and iv) compliance. In addition, he also discussed the emerging technologies in FinTech and how they could possibility create business values.