The Multidisciplinary and International Symposium on the History of Education and Minorities in Iraq – Day 2

On April 30th, 2023, the Multidisciplinary and International Symposium on the History of Education and Minorities in Iraq, bringing together researchers from Germany and Austria continued.

Day two took place at Erbil’s First School and started with welcoming remarks from Dr. Omid Baranji (Director of EFS).

Dr. Barbara Reiter (Graz University, Austria) started the panel discussions about “Challenges to Value & Minority Education”, and her talk was about “Teaching values through good complex social practices”; Mr. Farhad Al-Kake (Catholic University Erbil, Iraq) spoke about “Education for the Kakai minority in Iraq”; Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Kak Sur (Salahaddin University, Iraq) delivered a talk about “Educational Curricula in Erbil from 1921 – 1945; Moreover, the topic of “Peace education in Mosul after ISIS” was discussed by Dr. Tariq al Taie (University of Mosul, Iraq) and the topic of “schools under (violently) contested rule: Mapping the Iraqi education sector between 2000 and 2022 by Prof. Dr.  Hanna Pfeifer (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany).

Following, Panel 5 discussions titled “Potentials of New Technologies for

Knowledge Transfer and Outreach” took place. During this panel, “Teaching (medieval) history in global contexts” was a topic discussed by Dr. Jenny Osterle (University of Ragensburg, Germany); followed by Mr. Aws Yhya Abed Kashmoolah (Tishk International University, Iraq) who conducted a talk about “Using technology to pass the torch on”; Moreover, Dr. Abdulsatar Sultan (Catholic University Erbil, Iraq) also conducted a talk on “Digitalization of cultural heritage and business innovation: Potentials for science in Iraq”, and the panel discussions were concluded with Prof. Dr. Konstantin Klein (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) who talked about “Voices from the Past: The Digitalization of Inscriptions from Palmyra as a Means to Preserve and Promote Cultural Diversity”.