Student Feedback Questions

Below questions, are answered by students by selecting a value between 1 – 5 for each subject that they were enrolled in during the academic year.

  • To what extent did the teacher clearly explain the course book at the beginning of the academic year?

  • To what extent did the teacher clearly explain the course objectives?

  • To what extent was the teacher able to explain the subject well and clearly?

  • To what extent was the teacher’s method of evaluating fair and diverse in terms of the methods used (periodic exams, periodic assessments, presentations, etc.)?

  • During class, to what extent was the teacher peaceful and respectful with the students?

  • To what extent did the teacher use modern teaching tools such as (data show, smart board, videos, etc?

  • To what extent did the teacher encourage students to participate in the class and ask questions?

  • To what extent did the teacher use the CUE Moodle Platform properly regarding uploading weekly classes and other activities?

  • To what extent was the teacher punctual and able to manage the class?

  • To what extent was the teacher organized and prepared for lectures?

  • To what extent did the teacher adhere to teaching in the English language?