An Introduction to Podiatric Surgery Seminar
In continuation of its cultural and academic activities and in fulfillment of its vision and mission, and in order to build scientific and social bridges with society at large, the CUE hosted on February 8, 2021, Ms. Rana Riadh Francis, a podiatric surgeon (FCPods) from the UK to present her seminar entitled, ‘An Introduction to Podiatric Surgery’ at the university premises.
The event was attended by the CUE president Assist Prof. Dr. Riadh Francis, members of the CUE teaching and admins staff, academics, doctors, and surgeons from different universities and hospitals in Erbil.
Ms. Rana Francis provided an up-to-date, informative, and in-depth introductory presentation on podiatric diseases highlighting various podiatric cases and modern podiatric surgery techniques used in treating.
The seminar that lasted for about an hour and a half, was marked by a lot of interest and enthusiasm on the part of the audience. Ms. Rana addressed all the questions and queries raised during the seminar in an academic and highly professional way.