CUE Organizes a Symposium for IT Day
On December 3, 2024, CUE’s IT and CS department held a special symposium for IT Day. The symposium raised numerous topics regarding Information Technology, specifically identifying Cyber-crime.
Cyber-crime or computer crime “refers to a wide range of criminal behaviors committed by utilizing and/or targeting a computer or linked system, particularly unlawfully, to access, send, or change data.” Moreover, “computer crimes include viruses, trojans, worms, fishing and deep faking using images, sounds, and videos.”
Furthermore, the symposium also raised precautions to such problems suggesting that antivirus software are the best way to be protected when using the internet; also, using strong passwords and keeping the operating systems and internet security software continuously updated.
Additionally, keeping personal information on social media platforms locked is also beneficial when it comes to protecting one’s own data.
Additional information were also added during the session, stating that, contacting the local police should be the first step for Cyber-crime victims. Similarly, if one’s identity gets stolen by criminals, one should notify the companies and institutions where the theft occurred, set fraud alerts, obtain one’s credit reports.