CUE’s President Meeting with the Faculty Members
On Tuesday, 29th March 2022, the President of CUE, Assist. Prof. Dr. Riadh Francis met with all respected faculty members of CUE. The President was accompanied by Assist.Prof.Dr. Iqbal Gorgis Vice- President for Scientific Affairs.
The President seized this opportunity to warmly welcome the following faculty members who had recently joined CUE and wished them every success:
1-Assist.Prof.Dr. Shatha Zakar / MLS Department
2- Dr. Kewan kamal / MLS Department
3- Mr. Muhammed Yashar / English Department
4- Prof.Dr. Uma Shankar /Accounting Department
5-Prof.Dr. Anis Behnam / English Department
This was followed by an election of faculty member’s representative where two candidates, Dr. Muhameed Gouse Galaty and Mr. Michael Philips nominated themselves for the election process, which was carried out by a voting system in a wonderful democratic exercise.
Mr. Michael Philips was the winner, who will be the first elected member of CUE council representing CUE academics.
The Presidency of CUE would like to express its sincere congratulations to Mr. Michael and wishes him every success in his new role.
The President then listened to the various questions and concerns raised by respected faculty members and took the necessary notes for an appropriate actions and follow up.