Important information about the New Colleges and Departments at CUE for the academic year 2021-2022
Following the official and final approval of the ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan Regional Government in accordance to their formal letters no. (18989) and (18987) dated 29th November 2021,
it is of great pleasure and honor to announce the formal opening of the following colleges and departments at CUE for the academic year 2021-2022: –
1-College of Health Sciences / Department of Medical Laboratory Science (MLS).
2-College of Education / Department of Mathematics.
May I take this opportunity to express the CUE presidency’s deep gratitude to all respected members of staff and faculty of CUE, along with all esteemed external academics who had actively contributed through their membership in the committees established by CUE to attain these achievements. Sincere congratulations to the CUE Board of trustees and its chairman, H.G. Archbishop Bashar Matti Warda, CUE Presidency and all faculty and admin members for this wonderful achievement and significantly positive step of progress of CUE towards a brighter future of success and prosperity. CUE’s presidency appreciates highly the substantial support and follow up of H.G. Archbishop Bashar Matti Warda during the process of CUE’s applications to MHE to open the above mentioned colleges and departments. Special thanks are extended to all senior members of staff of CUE for their exceptional and tireless efforts during the process mentioned above.
Assist. Prof Dr. Riadh Francis
President & Vice-Chancellor of CUE.