International Human Rights Day
On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, on December 10, 2022, the International Relations department at the Catholic University in Erbil (CUE) organized an event celebrating this day. The IR students delivered a presentation, along with a creative short play to explain the meaning of Human Rights and its importance. During the presentation, the Declaration of Human Rights was emphasized and examples of the articles from the Declaration were highlighted. Furthermore, real life examples of human rights violations around the globe were addressed, such as segregation, poor work conditions, human trafficking in Iraq, unemployment and many other issues which have sadly happened throughout history against human dignity with no regard to human rights. Furthermore, the IR students implemented meaningful and entertaining acting scenes into their presentation to deliver their message creatively to the audience. In addition to that, an activity took place where a QR code was distributed to the audience to fill a survey of what they think should be added to the existing Human Rights Declaration, as Article 31, so that others’ opinions and points of view could be shared and discussed during the event.
After the presentation, students asked the Head of IR Department, Mr. Muhammad Ebrahimi, to make a contribution on this occasion, during which he expressed the department’s desire to continue organizing such events for the University, followed by a small speech by CUE President, Dr. Nazar Shabila, as he expressed his gratitude for the department and highlighted the importance of raising awareness for this topic and the importance of human rights protection.