Welcome message from the president
As the new academic year of 2021-2022 is approaching commencement, on the 18th September 2021, at CUE, it is of my great honor and delight to welcome you warmly to CUE. This very first day of academia always holds certain feelings to university students; a mixture of excitement, expectations, apprehension of new responsibilities and commitments, the happiness of rejoining classmates…..to name a few. On the other hand, the feeling of elevating onwards to the next stage of study at a university degree program carries with it a great sense of achievement. I am pretty certain that you have been eagerly waiting to come back to CUE as catching up with your class fellow students and meeting your beloved lecturers has certainly its unique flavor. I am personally delighted to see the silent and empty classroom for a couple of months back again to an active teaching and learning atmosphere, hoping at the same time that you did have an enjoyable summer break with your family and beloved friends and relatives. Let me also express my deep gratitude to all faculty members for their wonderful efforts in teaching you last year. Carry on hard work which always pays off and be full of hopes looking forward positively to a bright future after acquiring the knowledge you need during the years you will spend at CUE. May I take this valuable and pleasant event to reassure you that CUE will spare no efforts to do its best and strive tirelessly to make all possible provisions available to you during your study so that you enjoy one of the best scientific, academic and social atmospheres.
CUE is heading to a wide range of expansion and significant growth in terms of its infrastructure, the number of academic departments and state of arts facilities, such as a very modern library and a magnificent auditorium/conference centre. Just a couple of months ago, a wonderful cafeteria was inaugurated which could happily be used by students, faculty members and members of admin staff alike. May I take this opportunity to emphasize that the presidency of CUE always listens with great care to any enquiries raised by its students and will try hard to meet their expectations as its students’ interests are always on its top priority.
I do wish you sincerely a very fruitful, happy and successful year and a hearty congratulations for your last year achievements.
Once again a very warm welcome back to CUE.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Riadh Francis
President & Vice-Chancellor
15th September 2021